Nationalism; What is nationalism? Is it to show that you're great? Is it to show that you're a hero? It maybe for others but for me its to show that you love and respect your country. Being nationalistic is good, but how can we be nationalistic? Other people think that to show nationalism you need to do something big and heroic. You don't need to do that. You can show nationalism in simple ways. There are many simple ways to show nationalism that a student like me can do.
A simple way of showing nationalism is to respect your country's national flag. It may seem not very nationalistic but its a good way to show nationalism. Another simple way is to support groups that helps or improves your country. Do these simple things to show nationalism rather than hard and big things like dying for the country. Well, you can die for your country but its best not to end your life short.
So lets be proud in what country we are and show our love and respect for our country by showing nationalism.